Six years ago, James Reid joined Fuyao Glass America as a Temp-to-Hire. He still remembered the interesting image that he saw at the deserted parking lot of the old GM plant. From that moment, he has been building the amazing facility together with his team members. Now, please join me to hear his story about the inspiring working experience at Fuyao.
六年前,詹姆斯·里德以临时工的身份加入福耀玻璃美国。 他至今记得在通用汽车旧工厂的空荡荡的停车场看到的有趣画面。 从那一刻起,他就和他的团队成员一起建造了这座美丽的工厂。 现在,请和我一起听听他在福耀的鼓舞人心的工作经历吧。

Two years ago, when Jordyn Pierce walked into the Fuyao’s parking lot in Moraine Ohio as a new hire, he was “terrified” because he did not have work experience in manufacturing and never worked in operations of this large scale. After two years, how have his work in Fuyao and his life changed? Let’s get closer to Jordyn’s world and listen to his life story!

What is the experience of working at Fuyao Glass America? The story of implementing a five-star team project in Tempering Backlite Assembly has opened a window for us, providing us an opportunity to find out how employees communicate and improve on “unreasonable” discoveries with the management team, and how they move towards the same direction and strive to achieve their production goals. Please join me to visit the busy workshop of Fuyao Glass America, and hear the employees working there talking about their working experience!
在福耀玻璃美国公司工作是一种什么体验?钢化包装后档车间开展五星班组的经历为我们打开了一扇窗,让我们有机会了解在这里员工是如何与管理层就“不合理”发现进行沟通与改善,以及他们是如何朝着同一个方向努力实现他们共同的生产目标。请和我一起走进繁忙的福耀玻璃美国公司的车间, 聆听在那儿工作的员工们的心里话吧!


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Address 800 Fuyao Ave, Moraine, OH, 45439

Phone 937.496.5777
